Brian Dignam, FCCA AITI

Brian Dignam Tel: 01 439 4207

A partner in OSK, Brian heads up OSK's audit department. A fellow member of the Chartered Certified Accountants and a member of the Institute of Taxation of Ireland.

Brian’s down-to-earth style provides his owner-manager clients with a practical approach to their finances. Brian brings innovative solutions to his clients’ affairs in particular in the area of business and personal financial planning.

Brian is the compliance partner in OSK responsible for ensuring OSK are compliant with all relevant Audit and Investment Business Regulations as promulgated by Chartered Accountants Ireland.

Brian Dignam along with Deirdre McDermott head up OSK’s Property Management Companies service. In this area, he brings his in-depth knowledge of property management companies to bear in client assignments.

As lead of OSK Forensic Accounting, Brian brings a combination of strong analytical and practical business skills to each project providing him with a unique perspective on forensic accounting.

Having worked with numerous clients in the property & construction and wholesale & retail sectors, Brian has developed a wealth of expertise in these areas.

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